Old School Reserve – The Heart of Community Unity & Prosperity

On the 3 October 2018, the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board approved the Old School Reserve Master Plans for Public Consultation. This development has been a 9-year long journey for the Trust, several iterations over the years landed in September 2018, giving the Trust the best opportunity to finally build a sustainable community owned facility. oneVILLAGE has been represented strongly through the plans, the Public Consultation will take 6 weeks, a report back to the Local Board reflecting public feedback will be written for the Local Boards final approval in February 2019.

The site plans take into consideration tenants currently doing great work on the site, namely Auckland Teaching Garden’s, and two early learning centers. The plans propose a vertical garden area, created and run by Auckland Teaching Gardens (ATG). The large field to receive drainage improvements, be a host for a long-term incubator kitchen and our Cook Islands ANZAC Soldiers War Memorial, a great space for young people and families to enjoy a play area, basketball court, potential informal BMX track, and be the home of oneVILLAGE.

We look forward to seeing these plans become a reality for our many diverse communities to enjoy!